using email marketing is one of the most effective tools of marketing that you can use to promote your brand awareness,it's one of the best primitive ways to contact your customer.
Webexcept uses different metrics in order to measure your success campaign by using metrics and tools such as:
building a successful email list is critical, here are the good keys you should focus on.
you will need a good email list to contact the maximum possible audience.
before sending email to your customers.Firstly,you should optimize your online subjects in order to make a call action, impressions and more engagement, also, you have to send high-quality content and add value to customers.
you have to schedule your email list that will make your subscribers feel comfortable and create trust with them.
As a result, you could measure your results by using different metrics such as Click-Through Rate(CTR), Bounce Rate, and Conversion Rate and consequently, you will discover the benefits of this service.