the stages of SDLC methodologies it’s great to develop and program for a reply and resolve many problems of users and facilitate change data between them in quick time,currently the most of company becomes contact it company to build any application or a product to reply on their needs and improve their relations with their clients,so let’s start to define it.
software development:
is a group of actions of requirement analysis, designing, coding or implementation, fixing a bug and evolution.
For develop a software, first of all, you should know a software life cycle, this last makes you work with a strategy and grow a software without any mistakes, so let’s get started to define the meaning of software lifecycle.
SDLC stages:
it means a process that starts with planning or requirement analysis, in other words, you have to analyze needs of client and custom the problem to studying the feasibility, so there are many lifecycle steps you should respect as mentioned below.
planning or study feasibility :
so in this case, you have to analyze all requirement and understand of needs.
Design :
transfer needs or data as logical module.
is the second phase during lifecycle that makes you to coding and developing software.
testing :
that allows you to detect a bug inside all activities are most developed in all phases of the software lifecycle, you can’t get all errors and bugs but over time you can manage all bugs.
Deployment and maintenance :
it’s very indispensable to boost up a software, so you should detect errors and bugs after that confirm no errors and no bugs.
The quality of software development lifecycle.
There are many qualities listed below.
means all elements of software can be integrated with others without any problems.
that means you could use all or some elements of the software to build new software or instance it.
you could use the software within differences systems or environments.
the software must be efficient, in other words, consumes a few resources or minimum of resources, for example, execution time, memory space, etc.
Discovery software requirements specification.
You can’t get all the requirements at the begging of a project but you could discover all as you go.
Choosing a language.
There are many characteristics of choosing a language first of all
It depends on the needs or problem.
Choose a wide language.
Choose a language very secure.
Software methodology
Waterfall model software development.
Waterfall software model :
is cited as 1970 by Winston W.Royce, so let’s started to describe this model.
Features of waterfall software model
Easy to use.
Can be included for any project don’t depend on size.
Every stage has it’s treatment separately.
Can’t jump a stage.
Each step of this model has documentation is produced to help people understand what has been done.
Each stage has tested.
phases of the waterfall software model
Requirement and analysis.
advantages of waterfall software model
easy to implementation.
easy to use for a small project.
disadvantages of waterfall software model
this model requires all requirement analysis in the beginning.
the customer can’t see the project only in the end.
Agile software development model.
An alternative to agile methods based on iterative, incremental and adaptive development or processes.
It allows customer satisfaction by delivery of the whole systems.
When a model or activity is finished will be delivered it’s called sprints.
The agile model is divided into sub-modules including extreme programming(XP) and Scrum.
-this agile approach focuses on delivering some activities to customers until allowing a client to collaborate.
phases of agile software model (life cycle).
help to deliver quickly a product to the customer.
quick time and short.
make client feedback.
easy to respond on all requirement.
Disadvantages :
no enough details about the project.
difficult to estimate the project cost at the beginning.
no time to design all activities.
there are many life cycles.
The Best Methodology to use
You can’t choose each model you choose, but you can know after respond to these questions mentioned below.
the project is big or small ?.
delivery time to the customer.
needs and requirement of the client.
each technology you are going to use ?.
So, if you answer those questions you will know each model you will use to develop offshore application development.
To conclude, for developing quality software, you must focus on the methodology of work to make end-user very comfortable.